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About Us

The Woodcliffe Wahoos swim team began the summer of 2003 with a vision of joining the community together and promoting neighborly fun in a friendly, competitive atmosphere. We spent our first 3 summers as members of the GGSL (Gaithersburg Germantown Swim League). Our team grew in size, strength and spirit those first 3 years, and we moved to MCSL (Montgomery County Swim League) starting in the summer of 2006. We were undefeated our first year in MCSL and moved from O Division to K Division. The next summer in K Division, we were also undefeated and made another huge leap to the I Division. For the 2009 swim season we competed in H Division, for the 2010 season in G Division and for the 2011 and 2012 seasons we swam in Division E. In 2013, we made the jump to Division B and for the 2014-2015 seasons, the Wahoos competed in Division A. In 2016, The Wahoos moved back to B where they also remain for the upcoming 2017 swim season. With our group of dedicated swimmers and the support of our coaches and parent volunteers we hope to continue our winning tradition!


The mission of the Woodcliffe Wahoos Swim Team is to promote team spirit, competition and sportsmanship through summer swimming for the entire Woodcliffe community. The swim team is for the kids, about the kids and with the kids. The single, most important aspect of Woodcliffe Wahoos Swimming is fun.

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